
Posted: September 20, 2023

Picture Day is Thursday September 21st!  Come to school with your best smile.

Posted: March 2, 2016

Metepenagiag Family Math Night

Posted: February 24, 2015

ASD-N Students! Does your teacher have a classroom or subject web page that supports your classroom experience? Are you and your fellow students so proud of your school that you are busting to let others know about it? Have you used technology in your classroom to help you learn? If so then the 2015 ASD-N CUTE Awards are for you.        ·       NOMINATE your Teacher’s Web Page (parents can also make nominations for this award). ·       Get involved with making a School Spirit Video - You school could win an Ipad Mini Videography Kit (sponsored by Kinsmen Club of the Miramichi).

Posted: February 26, 2014

Does your teacher have a classroom or subject web page that supports your classroom experience? Are you and your fellow students so proud of your school that you are busting to let others know about it? Have you used technology in your classroom to help you learn?If so then the 2014 ASD-N CUTE Awards are for you.NOMINATE your Teacher’s Web Page (parents can also make nominations for this award), Get involved with making a School Spirit Video - You could win a SMARTBOARD 680 and document camera for your school!

Posted: May 9, 2013

The Miramichi Kinsmen and Anglophone North School District are pleased to accept film entries for the Third Annual Kin Film Festival. All students in ASD-N are invited to participate. Students may submit films in one or both of the two categories. The first category is the Kin Category. Films in this category will address the theme “Doing the Right Thing”. The second category is the Open Category. Films of any genre or subject matter can be submitted to this category. The top films selected in each category will be screened.

Posted: April 18, 2012

The Miramichi Kinsmen and School District 16 are pleased to accept film entries for the second annual Kin Film Festival.  All School District 16 students are invited to participate.  Films can be submitted in one of two categories: Open and The Kinsmen Category (The Communities Greatest Need).  The top 10 films in each category will be screened on May 12th, 2012 at Miramichi Empire Studio 5.  Cash prizes of $500, $250 and $100 will be awarded for the winners in each category.

Posted: June 20, 2011

The School will be closed on Tuesday June 21, 2011. Regular Classes resume on Wednesday.  Grade 3-5 will be attending the District Track and Field at JMH on Wednesday June 22. (Weather permitting, there is no rain date!)

Posted: June 15, 2011

Former Boston Bruin, Jim Lorentz, joined the learning community at Metepenagiag on a Fly Fishing Trip. Mr Lorentz won the Stanley Cup in 1970 with the Boston Bruins.  On Tuesday he shared his NHL experiences and his passion for Salmon Fishing!  Click under image galleries to see the trip.

Posted: June 2, 2011

All students in k-4 to grade 4 will be attending the play called " Honk" at James M Hill on Friday June 3rd. The bus will be leaving at 8:50.

Posted: May 18, 2011

Reminder to parents, Metepenagaig School is closed on Monday May 23rd for the Victoria Day Holiday. Regular Classes resume on Tuesday May 24th.


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