Latest Teacher Activity

Title Type Page Post date
Homework March 21-25 Note Ms. Rubidge March 21, 2011
Homework March 14-18 Note Ms. Rubidge March 14, 2011
Sarina's wonderful writing - March Break Audio Ms. Rubidge March 14, 2011
March Break - March 7th to 11th Note Ms. Rubidge March 4, 2011
100th day fun! Image Gallery Ms. Rubidge March 4, 2011
Pancake Breakfast Image Gallery Ms. Rubidge March 4, 2011
Liam's wonderful writing - The Monster and the Kid Audio Ms. Rubidge March 4, 2011
100th day of school - March 4th Note Ms. Rubidge March 3, 2011
Pancake Breakfast - March 4th Note Ms. Rubidge March 3, 2011
98th Day of School Note Ms. Rubidge March 2, 2011
97th Day of School Note Ms. Rubidge March 1, 2011
Sleigh Ride - March 2nd Note Ms. Rubidge March 1, 2011
Homework February 28-March 4 Note Ms. Rubidge February 27, 2011
Student Success Recognition Note Ms. Rubidge February 25, 2011
Poem - Hide and Seek Audio Ms. Rubidge February 24, 2011
93rd Day of School Note Ms. Rubidge February 22, 2011
Vowels- The Hard Workers Note Ms. Rubidge February 22, 2011
Interim Reports Note Ms. Rubidge February 21, 2011
February 23rd - International Anti-Bullying Day Note Ms. Rubidge February 21, 2011
Homework February 21-25 Note Ms. Rubidge February 21, 2011
Appreciating Music Image Gallery Ms. Rubidge February 17, 2011
Crazy hat day! Image Gallery Ms. Rubidge February 17, 2011
Interim Reports Note Ms. Rubidge February 16, 2011
Student Success Recognition Note Ms. Rubidge February 16, 2011
Celebrating Student Success Image Gallery Ms. Rubidge February 16, 2011
